November Movie Night - The Pursuit

Capitalism and the pursuit of happiness.

November Movie Night - The Pursuit

The Pursuit Movie.jpgLPWCTX movie night this month featured a powerful documentary about how capitalism has actually helped pull people out of poverty. Appropriately titled The Pursuit, the film follows professional-musician-turned-intrepid-economist Arthur Brooks as he travels around the globe in search of an answer to the question: How can we lift up the world together, starting with those at the margins of society? His journey takes him through the chaotic streets of Mumbai, a town in Kentucky left behind by the global economy, a homeless shelter in New York, a street protest in Barcelona, and a Himalayan Buddhist monastery. Along the way, he discovers the secrets not only to material progress for the least fortunate, but to true and lasting happiness for all.

Afterward, we discussed ways in which the film reinforced our beliefs as libertarians that freedom and prosperity are possible if we can just get big government out of all our businesses.

Good times, good food, and good discussions. Always present when you hang out with LPWCTX!

Be sure to mark your calendar for a work project on Saturday, November 23rd to plant trees at the Indian Creek Nature Area, and check our facebook page for meet up time.

As always, we wish to thank Guadalajara for the space to meet and the excellent food and drinks!

In case you missed it:

The movie The Pursuit is available on Netflix. Check it out—you'll be glad you did! If you have a Netflix subscription, you can watch the movie here.


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